Relationship between dry matter and oil content of avocados.


I’m looking for information on the relationship between dry matter and oil content of avocados for the following varieties: Fuerte, Hass, Gwen and Bacon. (In % of dry matter.) Thanks. (J.M.)


There is a very good correlation between dry matter and oil content. The best article is from the Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science by S.K. Lee et al published in 1983.  The link to this article is


In the study reported in this article, Dr. Lee looked at all the varieties you ask about.  Figure 5 in this article shows the relationship between dry weight and oil content for Hass.  Dr. Lee found the same relationship for other varieties.  This work provided the basis for the California industry shifting to % dry matter as a basis for minimum maturity.  If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.

–Mary Lu Arpaia