Thank you for your interest in our new workshop on Agricultural Water Systems - Identifying, Preventing, and Managing Food Safety Risks.
This workshop will focus on various topics related to water management and safety. Experts will explore why risk assessments are critical for growers and the produce industry, what agricultural water sampling entails, how to properly conduct high-volume filtration, and how to employ best practices for post-flood remediation of wells and distribution systems. We will have live field demonstrations of these practices to provide a hands-on learning experience. This workshop will primarily focus on situations specific to the California Central Coast and not broad water sources and regional practices, as regionally-focused trainings across the US are being planned.
May 28 - 29, 2024
Salinas, California, USA
Trevor Suslow (lead instructor)
- Professor - Extension Specialist Emeritus, University of California, Davis
- Consultant, T & K Suslow Consulting LLC
Channah Rock
- Professor - Extension Specialist, University of Arizona
- Jim Brennan Endowed Chair in Extension Fresh Produce Safety
Michelle Danyluk
- Professor, University of Florida
Day 1 – 28 May, 2024
On-Farm Well and Distribution Large Volume Filtration Demo and Risk Assessment Exercise
- Registration and Check-in for travel to field location
- Depart to the farm site
- Water Filtration Demonstration
- Risk Assessment Exercise
Day 2 – May 29, 2024
Interactive Workshop on Ground Water and Ground Water to Reservoir Agricultural Water Quality Assessment and Management
- Registration and Continental Breakfast
- Welcome and Introduction
- Review Day 1 Learning Objectives and Q&A
- Problem Solving “Type A” Verification: Real-world examples
- Break (hosted refreshments)
- What could an Agricultural Water Assessment look like?
- Working Lunch: Interactive Discussion of Data Analysis and Risk Management
- Key Lessons Learned in Type B to A Water Treatment
- Ground Water Under the Influence of Surface Water
- Breakout Group Case Study Exercises and Report-Outs
- Hosted Beer and Wine Networking Reception
Resource Links and Documents - FSMA Final Rule on Pre-Harvest Agricultural Water
- Final Rule: Click Here
- Ag Water Assessment Builder: Click Here
- Fact Sheet FSMA Final Rule on Pre-Harvest Agricultural Water: View/Download PDF
- FSMA Final Rule on Pre-harvest Agricultural Water: Factors for Agricultural Water Assessment to Consider: View/Download PDF
- FSMA Final Rule on Pre-harvest Agricultural Water: Corrective and Mitigation Measures for Pre-harvest Agricultural Water for Non-Sprout Covered Produce: View/Download PDF
- Annual Agricultural Water Assessments and Risk-Based Outcomes: Pre-harvest Agricultural Water for Non-Sprout Covered Produce: View/Download PDF
- FSMA Final Rule on Pre-harvest Agricultural Water: End of Intended Enforcement Discretion for Subpart E Requirements for Harvest and Post-Harvest Agricultural Water for Covered Produce Other than Sprouts - Beginning January 26, 2023: View/Download PDF