Do you have any educational/training resources to help stores and restaurants with their produce handling?


I am doing some research for the members of an association who are looking for training materials (pictures included) on the results of poor/inadequate temperature management (improper storage/handling of fruit and vegetables) at the back end of the store/restaurant.  As they like to say the last 100 feet can be as critical as the first 1,000 miles.

Are there any resources/publications available I might be able to share so I might assist them with an educational/training process?  As you know the turn over at stores and restaurants is an ongoing issue and constant reminders after training is what we hope to develop. (D.V.)


As you likely know, our website has a wealth of information about the handling of specific commodities under our Produce Fact Sheets.

We are currently in the process (nearly through) with developing a printed, full-color, produce fact sheet library based upon this information.  We plan to offer it on an a la carte basis (select the fact sheets for whatever produce items are of interest), and will probably start releasing these over the next few months.

Also, our “Fruit Ripening & Retail Handling” workshop would be very appropriate for those interested in fruit and fruit-vegetable management. The course participants get a binder that covers extensive information about handling a variety of fruit and fruit-vegetable commodities.  The course this year will have an expanded focus on the needs of retail produce handlers.

-Mary Reed