Workshop Information
Fresh-cut products are fresh fruits and vegetables that have been prepared (cleaned, washed, sanitized, cut), packaged, and held under refrigeration until consumption. The fresh-cut sector continues to develop innovative and convenient products.
Consumers demand safe, high quality fresh-cut products that have extended shelf-life, but also good eating quality. These demands require that fresh-cut processors and handlers meet rigorous standards.
This workshop provides an intensive and substantive overview of fresh-cut production, processing, packaging, distribution and quality assurance. Participants gain working knowledge of established and new procedures through topic-related sessions and demonstrations.
The workshop will feature discussions on fresh-cut marketing, new packaging, product physiology, microbial control, and sensory evaluation. And our practical demonstration on the impact of temperature on packaged product quality reinforces all the temperature-related discussions.
The fresh-cut industry and this workshop have changed considerably over the past 20 years. Join us if you are new to the fresh-cut industry, or if you want updates on many topics important to the success of the fresh-cut fruit and vegetable sector.
Who Should Attend
The workshop is relevant to all levels of fresh-cut produce industry professionals—from small, local and regional produce processors to large businesses with nationwide distribution. Food scientists, food engineers, quality assurance personnel and new product development staff as well as representatives from research institutions, the restaurant and Institutional food industries, and equipment, packaging and ingredient suppliers will all benefit from attending.
Topics Included
- Physiology and biochemistry of fresh-cut products
- Respiration, ethylene production, wound reactions
- Noninvasive quality analysis
- Sensory quality of fresh-cut products
- Treatments to maintain product quality
- Pre-process storage impacts on quality
- Ripening and conditioning for fresh-cut products
- Technical aspects of processing equipment and selection
- Fruit and vegetable preparation procedures
- Cooling and storage options
- Accurate temperature measurement
- Temperature control during transportation and distribution
- Impact of temperature on product sensory and nutritional quality
- Hygienic equipment design
- Microorganisms of concern in fresh-cut products
- Validation and verification in wash water systems
- Food safety considerations for fresh-cut
Modified Atmospheres and Packaging
- Optimizing MA on product quality and shelf-life
- MAP and temperature interactions
- Packaging selection for fresh-cut products
- New developments in fresh-cut packaging
Specific Fresh-cut Product Information
- Sessions on product commodity performance as fresh-cut groups
Looking ahead: emerging trends in the Fresh-Cut industry
- Enhanced fresh-cut opportunities with ethylene
- Emerging technologies for sanitizers and process validation
- Traceability
- Novel food waste recovery and recycling systems
- New Technological advances and trends for Fresh Cut