Postharvest noninvasive classification of tough-fibrous asparagus using computed tomography images Postharvest noninvasive classification of tough-fibrous asparagus using computed tomography images Irwin R. Donis-Gonza´leza, Daniel E. Guyera,*, Anthony Peaseb a Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, 524 S. Shaw Ln., Michigan Sta 2016 Asparagus View/Download PDF
Classification of processing asparagus sections using color images Classification of processing asparagus sections using color images Irwin R. Donis-Gonza´lez, Daniel E. Guyer 2016 Asparagus View/Download PDF
Low Temperature Phosphine Fumigation for Postharvest Control of Western Flower Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on Lettuce, Broccoli, Asparagus, and Strawberry Yong-Biao Liu 2008 Asparagus View/Download PDF
Commodity Spotlight: Exporters Target U.S. Asparagus Market Linda Calvin, Roberta Cook 1997 Asparagus View/Download PDF
Textural Changes of Asparagus in Relation to Delays in Cooling and Storage Conditions Luis Hernández-Rivera, Robert Mullen, and Marita Cantwell 1992 Asparagus View/Download PDF