Prediction of the Leaf Primordia of Potato TubersUsing Sensor Fusion and Wavelength Selection Ahmed Rady, Daniel Guyer, William Kirk and Irwin R Donis-González 2022 Potato View/Download PDF
Application of Nondestructive Impedance Spectroscopy to Determination of the Effect of Temperature on Potato Microstructure and Texture Ana Fuentes, José L. Vásquez-Gutiérrez, Maria B. Pérez-Gago, Erica Vonasek, Nitin Nitin, Diane M. Barrett 2014 Potato View/Download PDF
A Review of Important Facts about Potato Glycoalkaloids Marita Cantwell 1996 Potato View/Download PDF
Curing and Storing California Sweetpotatoes J.F. Thompson, and R.W. Scheuerman 1993 Potato View/Download PDF
Effects of Low Concentrations of Ethylene on Sweetpotatoes (Ipo-Moea Batatas (L.) Lam) During Curing and Storage Lisa A. Kitinoja 1987 Potato View/Download PDF
Effects of Handling Procedures and Temperature on Potato Cracking R.F. Kasmire, R.E. Voss, K.G. Baghott 1972 Potato View/Download PDF