Tendencias del retail y su impacto en la categoría de arándanos y berries en los EEUU Roberta Cook 2012 Blueberry View/Download PDF
Sulfur Dioxide Fumigation Alone or in Combination with CO2-enriched Atmosphere Extends the Market Life of Highbush Blueberry Fruit Celia M. Cantín, Ioannis S. Minas, Vlasios Goulas, Manuel Jiménez, George A. Manganaris, Themis J. Michailides, Carlos H. Crisosto 2012 Blueberry View/Download PDF
Fundamental Forces Affecting the U.S. Fresh Berry and Lettuce/Leafy Green Subsectors Roberta L. Cook 2011 Blueberry View/Download PDF
Effect of Superatmospheric Oxygen on Anthocyanins, Phenolics, and Antioxidant Activity of Blueberries and Strawberries Y. Zheng, C.Y. Wang, S.Y. Wang, and W. Zheng 2010 Blueberry View/Download PDF
Changes of Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Capacity in Blueberries After Illumination with UV-C Chien Y. Wang, Chi-Tsun Chen, and Shiow Y. Wang 2009 Blueberry View/Download PDF
Fruit Quality, Antioxidant Capacity, and Flavonoid Content of Organically and Conventionally Grown Blueberries Shiow Y. Wang, Chi-Tsun Chien, William Sciarappa, Schien Y. Wang. and Mary J. Camp 2008 Blueberry View/Download PDF
Increasing Antioxidant Activity and Reducing Decay of Blueberries by Essential Oils Chien Y. Wang, Shiow Y. Wang, and Chitsun Chen 2008 Blueberry View/Download PDF
San Joaquin Valley Blueberries Evaluated for Quality Attributes Vanessa Bremer, Gayle Crisosto, Richard Molinar, Manuel Jimenez, Stephanie Dollahite, and Carlos Crisosto 2008 Blueberry View/Download PDF
Temporal Sequence of Cell Wall Disassembly Events in Developing Fruits. 2. Analysis of Blueberry (Vaccinium Species) Ariel R. Vicente, Claudia Ortugno, Hernan Rosli, Ann L. T. Powell, L. Carl Greve, and John M. Labavitch 2007 Blueberry View/Download PDF
Effect of High-Oxygen Atmospheres on Blueberry Phenolics, Anthocyanins, and Antioxidant Capacity Yonghua Zheng, Chien Y. Wang, Shiow Y. Wang, and Wei Zheng 2003 Blueberry View/Download PDF