Influence of Pre-drying Treatments on Quality and Safety of Sun-dried Tomatoes. Part II: Effects of Storage on Nutritional and Sensory Quality of Sun-dried Tomatoes Pretreated with Sulfur, Sodium Metabisulfite, or Salt Guadalupe Latapi, and Diane M. Barrett 2022 Processed Fruits and Vegetables View/Download PDF
Influence of Pre-drying Treatments on Quality and Safety of Sun-dried Tomatoes. Part I: Use of Steam Blanching, Boiling Bring Blanching, and Dips in Salt or Sodium Metabisulfite Guadalupe Latapi, and Diane M. Barrett 2022 Processed Fruits and Vegetables View/Download PDF
Concentrated Solar Drying of Tomatoes Blake Ringeisen, Diane M. Barrett, Pieter Stroeve 2014 Processed Fruits and Vegetables View/Download PDF
Determination of Quality Parameters of Tomato Paste using Guided Microwave Spectroscopy Lu Zhang, Michelle A. Schultz, Rick Cash, Diane M. Barrett, Michael J. McCarthy 2014 Processed Fruits and Vegetables View/Download PDF
Kinetics of Carrot Texture Degradation under Pasteurization Conditions Jing Pen, Juming Tang, Diane M. Barrett, Shyam S. Sablani, Joseph R. Powers 2014 Processed Fruits and Vegetables View/Download PDF
Characterization of the Red Layer and Pericarp of Processing Tomato using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Lu Zhang, Diane M. Barrett, Michael J. McCarthy 2013 Processed Fruits and Vegetables View/Download PDF
Enhanced Electroporation in Plant Tissues via Low Frequency Pulsed Electric Fields: Influence of Cytoplasmic Streaming Suvaluk Asavasanti, Pieter Stroeve, Diane M. Barrett, Judith A. Jernstedt, William D. Ristenpart 2012 Processed Fruits and Vegetables View/Download PDF
Performance Evaluation of an Enhanced Fruit Solar Dryer Using Concentrating Panels James Stiling, Simon Li, Pieter Stroeve, Jim Thompson, Bertha Mjawa, Kurt Kornbluth, Diane M. Barrett 2012 Processed Fruits and Vegetables View/Download PDF
Pectin Methylesterase Activity and Other Factors Affecting pH and Titratable Acidity in Processing Tomatoes Gordon E. Anthon, Diane M. Barrett 2011 Processed Fruits and Vegetables View/Download PDF
Guide for Solar Fruit Drying in Totogalpa, Nicaragua An initiative prepared by D-Lab, UC Davis for Grupo Fenix, UNI and the Solar Women of Totogalpa 2011 Processed Fruits and Vegetables View/Download PDF