Postharvest noninvasive assessment of undesirable fibrous tissue in fresh processing carrots using computer tomography images Postharvest noninvasive assessment of undesirable fibrous tissue in fresh processing carrots using computer tomography images Irwin R. Donis-Gonza lez a, *, Daniel E. Guyer a, Anthony Pease b a Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, 2016 Carrot View/Download PDF
Postharvest noninvasive assessment of undesirable fibrous tissue in fresh processing carrots using computer tomography images Donis-González, I. R., Guyer, D. E., & Pease, A. 2016 Carrot View/Download PDF
Assessment of Sodium Hypochlorite and Acidified Sodium Chlorite as Antimicrobial Agents to Inhibit Growth of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Natural Microflora on Shredded Carrots Ana Allende, Rolando J. Gonzalez, James McEvoy, Yaguang Luo 2007 Carrot View/Download PDF
Acidified Sodium Chlorite as an Alternative to Chlorine to Control Microbial Growth on Shredded Carrots while Maintaining Quality Saul Ruiz Cruz, Yaguang Luo, Rolando J. Gonzalez, Yang Tao, and Gustavo A. Gonzalez 2006 Carrot View/Download PDF
Efficacy of Sanitizers to Inactivate Rolando J. Gonzalez, Yaguang Luo, Saul Ruiz-Cruz, and James L. McEvoy 2004 Carrot View/Download PDF
Kinetic Parameters for the Thermal Inactivation of Quality-Related Enzymes in Carrots and Potatoes Gordon E. Anthon, and Diane M. Barrett 2002 Carrot View/Download PDF
Characterization of Carotenoid Composition of Carrots Affected by "Light Root Syndrome" T.V. Suslow, Jiangchun Wu, Galen Peiser 1999 Carrot View/Download PDF
Membrane Structural Lipid Changes in Fresh-Cut Carrots: Revisiting the "Wounding and Aging" Phenomenon G.A. Picchioni, and A.E. Watada 1998 Carrot View/Download PDF
Glycolysis of Carrot Shreds Increased Under Low O2 Atmosphere Hisashi Kato-Noguchi, Alley E. Watada, and Ling Qi 1998 Carrot View/Download PDF